AC RadioConfiguration


Here you can find detailed description of each config option.
Options marked with ✏ symbol automatically overrides the pma-voice convars.


Whether to allow opening the radio UI using an inventory item.
Following the Installation guide is recommended before enabling this option.

Accepted values
boolean (true / false)


Whether to allow opening the radio UI using a command.

Accepted values
boolean (true / false)


Default keybind for the radio command. Use only if the option above (useCommand) is set to true.

Accepted values
false = Keybind will not be created at all.
'' = Empty quotes for creating the keybind, but not setting a default key.
'NUMPAD0' = Or any other valid key to create a keybind with this default key.


Whether to disconnect player from frequency when there is no radio item left in player’s inventory.

Accepted values
boolean (true / false)


Percentage of volume to increase/decrease per step.

Accepted values


How much the frequency value can change per step.
If set to 0.01, available frequencies will be 32.56, 32.57, 32.58 etc. Can be an integer as well.

Accepted values


Maximum amount of available frequencies.
Frequency range will be from more than 0 to this value inclusive.

Accepted values


Restricts certain frequencies for given groups and grades. Each frequency must be listed separately.

Accepted values
table as following:

-- Single group without grade (any grade in this group can access it)
[frequency] = 'group'
-- Single group with grade
[frequency] = {
    group = grade,
-- Multiple groups
[frequency] = {
    group1 = grade1,
    group2 = grade2,
    group3 = grade3,

Example config data

restrictedChannels = {
    [1] = {
        police = 5,         -- "police" with grade >=5 can access 1 MHz
        ambulance = 7,      -- "ambulance" with grade >=7 can access 1 MHz
        government = 0,     -- all of "government" can access 1 MHz
    [1.1] = 'police',       -- all of "police" can access 1.1 MHz
    [1.2] = 'ambulance',    -- all of "ambulance" can access 1.2 MHz
    [1.3] = 'government'    -- all of "government" can access 1.3 MHz

radioEffect ✏

Whether to enable radio voice effect. Player voice will sound like on a real radio.
Overrides voice_useNativeAudio and voice_enableSubmix convars from pma-voice.

Accepted values
boolean (true / false)

radioAnimation ✏

Whether to enable animation while talking on radio.
Overrides voice_enableRadioAnim convar from pma-voice.

Accepted values
boolean (true / false)

radioKey ✏

Default keybind for talking on the radio.
Overrides voice_defaultRadio convar from pma-voice.

Accepted values
string (any valid key)