Available fields

Shared options

The following options are available and same for all field types. Type specific options are supposed to be added among these.

type DUMMY =
  label: string; // input label
  placeholder?: string; // describes expected value
  required?: boolean; // whether the field is required
  span?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4; // how many columns the field should take [default: 2 (half)]

Example (Lua)

This is how the options are written in your standard Lua table.

  name = 'firstName',
  type = 'text',
  label = 'First name',
  placeholder = 'Enter your first name',
  required = true,
  span = 1,


type DUMMY =
  type: 'text';
  value?: string; // default value
  min?: number; // minimal number of characters
  max?: number; // maximum number of characters [default: 50]

For unlimited number of characters, set max to -1 - although it’s not recommended.


type DUMMY =
  type: 'textarea';
  value?: string; // default value
  minRows?: number; // minimal number of rows
  maxRows?: number; // maximum number of rows
  autosize?: boolean; // if true, textarea will grow with content until maxRows are reached
  min?: number; // minimal number of characters
  max?: number; // maximum number of characters [default: 100]

For unlimited number of characters, set max to -1 - although it’s not recommended.


type DUMMY =
  type: 'number';
  value?: number; // default value
  min?: number; // minimal possible value
  max?: number; // maximum possible value
  step?: number; // number by which value will be incremented/decremented
  precision?: number; // amount of digits after the decimal point
  separator?: string; // decimal separator (only visual, will return standard float)
  hideControls?: boolean; // hides increment/decrement controls


type DUMMY =
  type: 'date';
  value?: string; // default value (only MM.DD.YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format)
  format?: string; // https://day.js.org/docs/en/display/format
  clearable?: boolean; // whether the user can clear the date value


type DUMMY =
  type: 'signature';
  value?: string; // default value

If you don’t want the signature font pad to be visible, you can use the text field instead.


type DUMMY =
  type: 'select';
  value?: string; // default value (must be one of the options values)
  searchable?: boolean; // whether the user can search in options
  clearable?: boolean; // whether the user can clear the selected value
  data: string[] | SelectItem[]; // available options (explained below)

Available options (data) can be either a simple array of strings

data = {'Bob', 'John', 'George'}

or an array of objects with the following structure.

type DUMMY =
  value: string; // value that will be returned as an user input
  label?: string; // label that will be displayed in the select dropdown [default: value]
  disabled?: boolean; // whether the option is disabled
  group?: string; // group name
data = {
  { value = 'bob', label = 'Bob', group = 'Friends' },
  { value = 'john', label = 'John', group = 'Friends', disabled = true },
  { value = 'george', label = 'George', group = 'Strangers' },
  { value = 'paul', label = 'Paul', group = 'Strangers' },