QB Inventory


Using this inventory is on your own risk. It’s not secured and lacks basic inventory functionality, such as metadata validation. You can use OX Inventory 🐂 for much better experience.


Replace all content in ac_documents/editable/bridge/server.lua with the following code:

local Inventory = exports['qb-inventory']
local function getPlayer(playerId)
    return playerId
-- doesn't validate metadata which causes item's stacking even with different metadata
local function addItem(player, item, count, metadata, slot)
    return Inventory:AddItem(player, item, count, slot, metadata)
-- doesn't support metadata checks
local function removeItem(player, item, count, metadata, slot)
    return Inventory:RemoveItem(player, item, count, slot)
-- it doesn't exist in QB Inventory aparently??
local function canSwapItem()
    return true
-- so far, this is the only QB Inventory function that seems to be working as it should
local function getSlot(player, slot)
    local item = Inventory:GetItemBySlot(player, slot)
    return {
        name = item?.name,
        metadata = item?.info,
local metadata = {
    preset = 'type',
    id = 'id',
    title = 'description',
-- Create items
    [ac.items.paper] = {
        name = ac.items.paper,
        label = 'Paper',
        weight = 1,
        type = 'item',
        image = 'paper.png',
        unique = false,
        useable = true,
        shouldClose = true,
    [ac.items.document] = {
        name = ac.items.document,
        label = 'Document',
        weight = 1,
        type = 'item',
        image = 'document.png',
        unique = false,
        useable = true,
        shouldClose = true,
if ac.addCrumpledPaper then
    exports['qb-core']:AddItem(ac.items.crumpled_paper, {
        name = ac.items.crumpled_paper,
        label = 'Crumpled Paper',
        weight = 1,
        type = 'item',
        image = 'crumpled_paper.png',
        unique = false,
        useable = true,
        shouldClose = true,
-- Create usable items
Inventory:CreateUsableItem(ac.items.paper, function(source, item)
    exports.ac_documents:createDocument(source, item.info[metadata.preset])
Inventory:CreateUsableItem(ac.items.document, function(source, item)
    exports.ac_documents:viewDocument(source, item.info[metadata.id])
-- Return bridge
return {
    getPlayer = getPlayer,
    addItem = addItem,
    removeItem = removeItem,
    canSwapItem = canSwapItem,
    getSlot = getSlot,
    metadata = metadata,

Obtaining papers

You can create a shop with papers using QB Shops.

Config.Products = {
    printer = {
            name = 'paper',
            price = 0,
            amount = 100,
            info = { type = 'MedicalReport' },
            requiredJob = { 'ambulance' },
            slot = 1,
            type = 'item',
            name = 'paper',
            price = 0,
            amount = 100,
            info = { type = 'AppointmentRequest' },
            slot = 2,
            type = 'item',
Config.Locations = {
    printer = {
        label = 'Printer',
        coords = vec4(443.59, -975.3, 30.68, 180.0),
        ped = 'a_m_o_genstreet_01',
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_MOBILE',
        radius = 1.5,
        products = Config.Products.printer